Magazine Advertorials

How can you communicate in-depth product information as an article in a magazine? Conventional print ads emphasize branding over detailed product information. But, with a little design and copy writing creativity you can purchase a print ad and execute it as an advertorial. Print advertising is traditionally designed around top-of-the-funnel branding objectives and advertorials are not a replacement. However, they can be an effective addition to the marketing mix in order to progress bottom-of-the-funnel prospects through the buyer’s journey.

An advertorial is in essence a cross between an advertisement and editorial. Having both the look and feel of a news article, our BPA-audited magazine readers will associate your ad with our editorial reputation. As with a traditional print ad, advertorial content should be engaging, but it can go into much more detail about the product or service benefits and features.

Tips for a Successful Advertorial

Writing an effective advertorial can be challenging and should reflect an editorial tone of voice. Our experienced staff is prepared and ready to assist with any copy-writing needs you may have.*

  • Focus your advertorial content on the needs of the target audience.
  • Optimal headlines ignite audience interest by conveying how you to solve their problems instead of simply listing a product name.
  • Deliver on an editorial promise and ensure readers gain valuable information for investing time with your content.
  • Avoid being overtly promotional, position your product benefits in the context of being a solution for audience needs.
  • Honor journalistic integrity with your product claims and label your advertorial as an “advertisement”.

    Note: If an Advertorial does not clearly state it is sponsored content, WATT will add the label. The line will be in 9 pt. Helvetica Neue Medium, with the company name appearing in italic, as shown in the sample below:

    Sponsored content by DSM Nutritional Products


*Copywriting, layout and design available. Additional charges may apply.

Print Advertisement Specifications

Please provide ad materials in the following format:

>> Acrobat: .pdf (PDF/x-1a is the required format for all submissions.) All images MUST be hi-resolution (at least 300 dpi). Convert files to process colors (CMYK). Pantone and spot colors will be converted and may cause a color shift.

Digital material submissions and inquiries:
Please direct all inquiries regarding digital product materials to
Please send all materials (including URL information) to Files must be PDFs created using PDF/x-1a settings.

Download full specifications document with bleed instructions and illustrations here.

Topics Bonus Distribution/
Value Added
Space Closing Materials Deadline
January * Top pet food trends for 2022 IPPE 2022 Atlanta
AFIA Pet Food Conference
Pet Fair Asia Southeast
12/9/21 12/14/21
February * In focus: a specific trend discussed in the January trends feature 1/14/22 1/19/22
March * Safety update: Latest technologies in pet food safety
* Petfood Forum 2022 Preview
Petfood Forum 2022 2/11/22 2/16/22
April * Labeling: optimizing for e-commerce
* Guide to Petfood Forum 2022
Petfood Forum 2022
Petfood Forum Show Guide
Petfood Forum Europe 2022
Interzoo 2022
3/15/22 3/18/22
May * Pet food packaging: case studies highlighting new trends 4/13/22 4/18/22
June Top Pet Food Companies database annual report 5/12/22 5/16/22
July * Mid-year global pet food market update Signet brand study
Petfood Forum China 2022
Pet Fair Asia 2022
6/14/22 6/17/22
August Annual Reference & Buyer's Guide
* more from Top Pet Food Companies database
Company Listings 7/14/22 7/19/22
September * Packaging: latest trends and looking towards 2023 8/15/22 8/18/22
October * Small animal pet food issue 9/14/22 9/19/22
November * Cat food trends
* A top trend from 2022: looking forward to how it will play in 2023
* Philanthropy in the pet food industry
10/14/22 10/19/22
December * Extrusion/drying/ cooling spotlight IPPE 2023 Atlanta
AFIA Pet Food Conference
11/16/22 11/21/22

Important Information

Customer Survey Insights

47% of pet food professionals use digital magazines to obtain technical or reference information

54% use digital magazines to learn from case studies


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