Contentamp™ Publication Creation

Keep your brand top of mind while building trust with sharable content

Newsletters and magazines nurture prospects with educational content and help you stay in touch with existing customers. Let us help you strategize an opt-in channel of communication.  Once invited to their in-box, you can accelerate their buyer's journey with content that's easy to share.

Deciding between a newsletter or magazine format comes down to the complexity of your education objectives. A newsletter lets you deliver quick bites in the form of ideas, news, or opinions on industry solutions. And a magazine, whether digital or print, offers a lean-back appointment with your brand's industry expertise.

Either way, by addressing their challenges and providing value, you start a meaningful conversation with B2B buyers who are hungry for content. With a comprehensive content audit, we evaluate your existing content, offering professional insights for improvement and format delivery. Armed with third-party credibility and industry expertise, we create publications and newsletters that resonate and educate—moving beyond mere product pitches.

The Contentamp™ publications can be combined with a promotion strategy to ensure your insights reach an eager audience, actively seeking solutions.


Magazine or newsletter – From writing, editing and design through final format production in print or digital

  • Editorial calendar - Custom content requirements for writing, art, design and direction to be scoped out for the project
  • Distribution - Quantity of sends (annually, weekly etc.) and method of sends (email, digital supplement, printed/mail) to be scoped out for the project

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