Egg Industry China

How can you amplify your company’s message in the dominant egg industry in China?

Egg Industry China is the Mandarin language news resource for the Chinese egg industry. Worldwide, China is the leading producer of table eggs, so reaching leaders in this market offers tremendous opportunities.

With Egg Industry China, you can:

  • Target layer industry professionals throughout China
  • Position your brand as a thought leader next to timely coverage of regulatory affairs information on practical business applications and exclusive top company production data  
  • Serve as an effective information resource for decision-makers in the research-to-buy timeline

Egg Industry China 2025 Topics Include:

  • Changes in the number of laying hens and egg production in the world
  • 世界蛋鸡数量及鸡蛋产量变化
  • Global Laying Breeder Industry Landscape
  • 全球蛋种鸡产业格局
  • Analysis of costs and profits of large-scale laying hens in China, changes in production distribution
  • 中国规模蛋鸡成本和利润分析、生产分布变化
  • Distribution of core breeding farms and seed expansion and promotion bases in China
  • 中国核心育种场与良种扩繁推广基地分布
  • World's Top 30 Laying Hens
  • 世界蛋鸡30强
  • Ranking of Top 50 Egg Enterprises in China
  • 中国蛋企50强排名
  • Analysis of Chinese Consumer Behavior and Perception
  • 中国消费者行为和认知分析
  • Progress in China's egg processing industry
  • 中国蛋品加工行业进展
  • The process of large-scale egg farming in China
  • 中国蛋鸡规模化养殖进程
  • Current status and trend of cage-free production in China
  • 中国非笼养发展现状和趋势

Print Advertisement Specifications

Please provide ad materials in the following format:

>> Acrobat: .pdf (PDF/x-1a is the required format for all submissions.) All images MUST be hi-resolution (at least 300 dpi). Convert files to process colors (CMYK). Pantone and spot colors will be converted and may cause a color shift.

Digital material submissions and inquiries:
Please direct all inquiries regarding digital product materials to
Please send all materials (including URL information) to Files must be PDFs created using PDF/x-1a settings.

Download full specifications document with bleed instructions and illustrations here.

Orientation Inches
width x depth
width x depth
2 page spread
Non-bleed 15.25 x 10 388 x 254
Full page
Non-bleed 7.375 x 10 188 x 254
2/3 page
Non-bleed - vertical 4.5 x 10 114 x 254
1/2 page
Horizontal - 3 columns 7.375 x 4.625 188 x 118
Island - 2 columns 4.5 x 7.5 114 x 191
Vertical - 1/2 page 3.375 x 10 85 x 254
1/3 page
Horizontal - 3 columns 7.375 x 3.25 188 x 83
Square - 2 columns 4.5 x 4.625 114 x 118
Vertical - 1 column 2.125 x 10 54 x 254
1/4 page
Horizontal - 3 columns 7.375 x 2.625 188 x 67
Square - 2 columns 4.5 x 3.625 114 x 92
Vertical - 1/2 page 3.375 x 4.625 85 x 118
Island - 1 column 2.125 x 7.375 54 x 188
1/6 page
Horizontal - 2 columns 4.5 x 2.375 114 x 60
Vertical - 1 column 2.125 x 4.625 54 x 118
Banner - 3 columns 7.375 x 1.5 188 x 38
1/8 page
Horizontal - 2 columns 4.5 x 1.875 114 x 47
Square - 1/2 page 3.375 x 2.25 86 x 57
Vertical - 1 column 2.125 x 3.625 54 x 92

Important Information

Add Closing: July 21, 2025

Material Closing: July 24, 2025

Egg Industry China is available through a WeChat account named WECD.

Customer Survey Insights

68% of agrifood professionals use industry magazines as an information source  during the buyers journey.

84% have taken an action as a result of reading advertisements in industry trade media.

65% use industry magazines (print or digital) to help them do their job.

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