Expert Interviews

How are you featuring your company's domain experts to foster trust in your company’s brand?

Effective expert interviews present your products in a conversational form and attract clients who want or need greater expertise...without selling.

Potential customers like to see the real people behind the business, and WATT offers two options to give a voice to domain experts in your company. If your thought leaders are unknown, then it is invisible expertise! Just pick a channel (WATT Poultry, Feed Strategy or Feed&Grain) and a format (video or voice) and we will make your thought leader visible.

Video Chat

First, Video Chat lets our audience see the real people behind the business convey a short, educational message alongside a trusted WATT editorial expert.

How Video Chat works:

  • WATT editorial will work with the expert guest to create two or three seed questions that will be used to interview your domain expert – this is the foundation of the interview
  • Length and style matter. Keep the video interview under 5-minutes and in an educational format (not advertorial/commercial)
  • Video chat sponsor receives verbal mention and has their website and logo displayed in the intro/outro of the video – terrific branding
Podcast Interview

Second, Podcast Interview gives you a longer format to get deeper into the issues and solutions facing the industry. It is also a great platform for the domain experts at your company who might be a little camera shy.

How Podcast Interview works:

  • WATT editorial will work with the expert guest to create six to ten seed questions for the interview which produces an organic conversation
  • Educational-style interview is under 15-25 minutes
  • Paid interview sponsor receives verbal mention in the intro/outro of the podcast

Note: Looking for brand exposure and deeper connection to industry experts outside of your company? Affiliate with editorial coverage of pressing industry topics through a podcast sponsorship with options ranging from 3 to 12 months. Learn more.

How to plan for successful expert interviews
  • Your sales manager will facilitate topic selection, suggestions, timing, and approval with the editor
  • Practice makes perfect. Interviewee should practice answering the questions and the timing of the interview with their team prior to the interview with WATT editor. We employ a “single take” interview policy and do not conduct a rehearsal.
  • Allow for a 4 to 6 week production window
How are Video Chat and Podcast Interview promoted
  • The recorded episode is housed on the Video Chat or Podcast sections of, or
  • Full transcript of the video chat or podcast interview is also posted on the same page – great for SEO
  • Article appears in WATT Poultry Update, Feed Strategy eNews, or Feed & Grain Industry Watch alerting readers of the expert interview
  • Video Chat or Podcast Interview is promoted via WATT Poultry, Feed Strategy, or Feed & Grain, Facebook and LinkedIn channels
  • Increase engagement by publishing and sharing the link to the recorded episode on your website, newsletter and social media channels

Video Chat Preparation Checklist

  • Prepare 2-4 questions which the editor will review in your pre-chat strategy meeting.
  • 2 to 3 sentence company introduction
  • High resolution logo
  • Company or product landing page URL for the intro "fade"

Podcast Interview Preparation Checklist

  • Prepare 6-10 questions which the editor will review in your pre-chat strategy meeting.
  • 2 to 3 sentence company introduction
  • High resolution logo

Important Information

Customer Survey Insights

68% of agri food professionals would like to obtain information from video interviews with industry leaders or experts

49% would like to see videos of equipment demonstrations


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